Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom - Mix it Up

Hi everyone! This week's hint comes from watching Seinfeld's stand up show entitled "I Am Telling You for the Last Time".

Jerry: "Wait up!" That's what kids say. They don't say "wait", they say "Wait up! Hey, wait up!" 'Cause when you're little, your life is up. The future is up. Everything you want is up. "Wait up! Hold up! Shut up! Mom, I'll clean up! Let me stay up!"

Parents of course are just the opposite. Everything is down. "Just calm down. Slow down. Come down here. Sit down. Put that down."

Isn't that so true?! How often do we get down to our kids' level to see just how THEY see things in life? This is especially true with photography. We as photographers typically take the "easy angle". What this means is we take whatever is easiest for us and don't put too much creative juices into what we are actually shooting. We shoot DOWN on our kids.

So here is my tip for the day. Try shooting ACROSS to your kids. Or even UP at your kids. You just might like the angle.